Today is V-day. Kinda uneventful. Drove around looking for a specific pair of sandals, but couldn't find them and now have to buy online. Blech. When we got home we went for a nice long walk.... walked from our apartment around by the water over at Northshore Park, and in a roundabout way ended up at Baywalk, and then the Globe. Walked home.
Now I'm formatting Steve's iPod and he is channel surfing. I talked to my Grandma, who has skin cancer, which I had been on her about last time I saw her. She had a spot on her nose that you could tell was not good. It was huge. So her solution was to put Listerine on it. She uses it as a damn cure-all. The spot "went away" aka the surface cells did, while the cancer continued to go deeper. So she had to have that taken off, and may have to have more after the tests come back.. Damnit Grams... she knows how aggressive melanoma can be. She talks about how she's getting so old, blah blah, but she's only 66- well, 67 in March. Seriously- Steve's grandmas are over 80, his mom is 56. They just take better care of themselves. Same with my mom. She is why I'm trying my damnedest to get healthy- I don't want my kids (when we have them) to have to worry as much as we worry about her. Heart problems at 41. C'mon, mom... she smokes at least a pack a day, doesn't really stick with any sort of health regimen. It worries me. Seriously. Plus, looking at what I'm genetically predisposed for, I'm scared shitless. Cancer, heart disease, obesity, high blood pressure... sigh. I have a lot to look forward to if I don't get my buns in gear.
Speaking of which, I kicked major ass at the gym last night. Which is good because we had ice cream today as a Valentine's day/ hormone relief treat. I love Steve- he bribes me with sugar to get me to walk 4 miles lol. If that's what it takes....
That's about it for tonight. Night night, and Happy Valentine's Day! :)

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